Day 22: Loud It!

Loud It
How we have failed as a nation
How hunger is more distributed than wealth
How we only understand that "e go beta" na scam 
and e go only beta for the people wey get beta for pocket, and sit-down for upstairs
How the I pledge to Nigeria na only talk for assembly ground
How the only way to understand the ways of our leaders is to not understand
How depression go kii you before the food wey you no get for hand
How e go be, no body know.
I know this one
- MerciRick

Too sad to drop a line... 
The line wey I wan drop self don drop me as a Nigerian... The thing chocke. 😭😭
- Timi Norris

A hero is all dressed and equiped with an arsenal of weapons...
Determined to wrestle, hustle and bustle...
But, one thing holds him down. 
A capsule of negativities
Containing selfish, corrupt, cold-hearted, murderous leaders...
They gather again once more
To celebrate their dominance under the canopy of Independence
Yes! Under that canopy
They celebrate like the hero doesn't know the true story.
The true state of the state.
They tip the masses with the highest currency note in the country.
And the he watches as the masses vibe and jive to what poverty as produced
People wearing a glad face but a sorrowful face.
The highest currency in our state is not even up to 2 dollars
Yet, these terrble leaders have a reason to celebrate
Yes! They celebrate their mass acquisition of wealth.
While the citizens drown in sorrowful waters...
The hero wants to change it all
He wats to fight these monsters birthed by beasts if a corrupt and selfish mentality
But as he beckons in comrades to raise an army
He realizes on saddening fact...
The suffering comrades are also preparing to celebrate the shambolic Independence day
Along side the monsters that ridicule and tramp on their rights as citizens of a free state.
In this light
The hero drops his arsenal
As he realizes the masses are not ready for the liberation they need.
And as he turns and walks away
He looks back in last time and says...
Nobody should come at me with any Independence messages!
- Timi Norris

A general with no war to fight,
A leader with no one to lead,
A son whom had the misfortune of watching his parents burn.
Alas, the tears have at this point gone dry,
But yet we know,
although now we seem
broken, our struggle for the future remains unbroken.
- Mick Gared

I pledged to Nigeria my country
a land where brutality and agony 
we tell as story

our streams are covered with the flow of blood
and our days overshadowed by persistent gunshot
our children are made orphans
and our farmlands turned into graveyards

I pledged to Nigeria my country
a land where our education 
is taken as an abomination
but corruption is given a standing ovation

I pledged to Nigeria my country
 a land where the labour of our hero's past is buried in the pit of its Past

Shall not be in vain 
yet our tears flow in pains
our blood bleed in vain

To uphold our unity
 but parted by tribalism
and ethnicity oh! our true identity

I pledged to Nigeria my country
O Nigeria a land where buffalos 
are made kings and 
lions are made slaves.

No! enough is enough
I cry out in pains
though like an orphan I am
I refused this fate

This ugly heads are here 
with their lies again
and am tied up in these chains
No! where are my brothers?
in their father's land
they are made slaves

Who is gonna Come for us
who is gonna save us 
from these demons
who upon us, 
they call down the blood rain.

No! no one
not even a single response 
from the trees nor the winds 

I refused, again I said no
I refused to take this fate

By day I journey under the scorching sun
and by night under the code weather
I have got to set myself free from these chains.

Yes! again I say 
the labour of my fore fathers
our past heroes shall not be in vain
neither shall the blood 
of my bygone brothers
waste in in vain

like an orphan   
I shall put up this struggles
despite these pains
to make their departed souls
smile again
and those alive forget the pains.

So help me God
- Mr. Bright

Mind and Space

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