Day 21: Know your Genotype

Day 21 of 30.
Know your Genotype wi Bamimosu Mariam Aramide (Warrior and advocate for sickle cell)
Today the 30th day of September 2021, we eventually had the talk on the topic genotype. Closing off the month of September which is the sickle cell awareness month, we had an amazing session with @itz_asabi where she gave us an expose to the making up of the strings of genotype.

Your genotype is that genetic trait that is unique to you, the traits are gotten from both parents. Onc strain from the male side and the second strain from the female side.
Whatever genotype you have is from your parents, if you are AA, AS, SS, SC or CC. All of these are gotten from your parents. Hence bringing a child into this world to carry the SS genotype is as a result of what the parents have planned for them.
These are only the major types of genotypes unique to most Africans, and the most sure that is compatible with every other type is the AA.

The sickle cell works much more than the normal kind of red blood cell, source people with the Sickle red blood cell get tired more easily. In my own explanation I would say that, the red blood cell, the normal red blood cell which is disc like is a complete circle and has about 1,000 soldiers working to keep the body in shape, working around the body to make sure that blood is distributed evenly. But in the case of the sickle cell, the red blood cell is in a sickle shape which is less than half, in fact less than a quarter of the normal disc-like red blood cell and contains about 1/10 of the soldiers the normal disc-like red blood cell would contain and this 1/10 of the soldiers I expected to do the same job the 1,000 would do. 
In this situation all the soldiers in the sickle cell is required to work overtime and as fast as possible to keep the body up. So they get tired easily and when they start to feel the pain, the body of the sickle cell patient feels this pain too.

Knowing your genotype is like doing yourself a favour and the next generation too. 
Lessons learnt
- Love Is not enough
- Do not tempt your God with faith
- know your genotype
- Go for multiple tests at different laboratories one test Is not enough

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