Husband For Hire I

To my Ladies;
If only there were a real life market
To go shop for husbands,
What shopping bag would you take?

To all my young ladies and younger girls,
If you are still searching for those
defining properties of yourself
to make you understand and
put a pin to your true personality,
at that phase,
you will continue to fail
as you claim to fall in love.

If you have not yet discovered
And made yourself up to standard,
how then can you find a partner
who shares same interests as you
when you have not even discovered yours.

You want a partner who will support you,
What exactly is there to be supported?
Your plans of future indecisions or
your indecisive planning
on an unsure self discovery?

Young lady, younger girls
let me ask this one question:
That position you are in life right now,
can it sustain you for another two years?
Oh, sorry let me bring it down a notch…
If you were to see to your feeding,
clothing, shelter and schooling (only if),
would you last another six months?…
Let us leave that question be for now.
If you are so comfortable
with your many tiny flaws,
how sure are you that you can stand
another human’s many tiny flaws.

My sister, Young lady, younger girls,…
Unless you have given yourself
enough reasons and resources
to exist and enjoy your alone time,
you can not accommodate a partner
who will eventually;
Invade your personal space,
Eat up your share of the ration,
Ask if you need something,
something they already
know you are yearning for.
Not share their progress with you,
Create a room called “mind your business”,
Constantly pest you about
anything and nothing,
Ask obvious questions
and ignore little details…

You will always want to try
only for a guy to pass through,
leaving a stain on you
for another to come through
and do the same...
Be a lady of class...
First, build yourself.

Husband for hire II coming soon.

Yours truly MerciRick

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