Day20: Overwhelming

Day 20 of 30 on our Help Fight Depression campaign.

Still marking the last three days of the sickle cell awareness month (September), we remember those struggling to stay on this side of existence, while living with this SS genotype.


Does it rain when we cry
Does the sky turns grey when grief rings 
Does the sun hides behind the gloom

How do we get broken so easily 
How do we mask this pain so tormenting 
How do we forge strength from this thing called weakness

How did we became so flawed 
How did we became the fault in our stars
How did we became the hand that extinguish this flame

When did we grow so cold 
When did the stars became so gloomy 
When did we forget how to live

Sadness is a companion that clings to my shadow 
Angry nights chasing naive strangers
For strange clouds besiege this existence 

Listen to this silence 
It’s echo overwhelming
Still as a stampede 
Lifeless and serene 

Let me be
I will be awake
When sanity is restored. 


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