Day 19: What is your Genotype?

Last three days of the #sicklecellawarenessmonth on the 19th day of the 30 days Dedicated to Help Fight Depression

You will always laugh and joke about it
Till the day you watch a Warrior struggle
Till the day you are forced to feel it too.

People living with the sickle cell anemia
Are just as awesome as him or her
One outstanding factor remains
You are warriors
You are awesome
You are loved

Know your genotype
What is your genotype?
#knowyourgenotype #genotype
#sicklecellwarriors #sicklecell#warriors
#helpfightdepression #mindandspace #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #depression #suicideprevention #suicideawarness #suicide #hope #help #life #lifestyle #thebecoming #mercirick

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