Do you ever feel sober?

Cos I don't

It's like the voices enjoy the high

So I keep em there

Up in a space so far

They try to pull my consciousness in
And do I bother?
No I don't

Lusting after my own voice
Cos it always gets lost in the crowd

In the crowd of my own mind

I thought I was the captain

Or the life of the party

I thought I knew the captain

But that ship sailed a long time ago
And I wasn't on it
I didn't see it leave
I didn't even catch the life boat

And the merry band left without a captain

Without a party

So I guess I am just on my own high
And my mind on another that floats

So she asked me through a distant whisper
"Do you ever feel sober?"

And I whispered back through the wormhole in the marble;
"I guess you'd ask that since you reeled the anchor ⚓ in with zero remorse
I cannot tell if you're joking or not
Or if the high has got you dumb...
If you feel just how am numb
Or you are the reigning scum...
But if you must know if I ever get sober or not
Ask my mind
It has always been on a high with you
On your little merry aimless run..."

We sometimes live in the in-between
Me, the other me, the other one and others

Sometimes it gets hard to put a pin on the definition they crave

Sometimes it's just me playing dumb
Loving the smile plastered on that face of a different one
Enjoying the stories she spun
Living a life he loved
Turning tables
Dancing to spirit songs and...
Making jokes of no fun

Sometimes it's just me playing sober
Sitting still but counting down till I freak the normal ones
But the truth is

"I have never felt that one."

1 comment: said...

i hope one day I will be... sober