Love In itself, truly has not one definition.

It is felt differently, so I do not count your perceived definition as wrong, only yours.

Perhaps it is true, so long it makes you feel emotions for real, good feelings, bad feelings, scary feelings. Love has it all.

Love can be restricting too, don't be kept in a space of white light of thoughts of forever happiness and boundless times together and flowers and copy cloths and sapphire touch moments. The very thing you love, will make you feel happy, sad, numb, brainfreeze, high, unprepared, inadequate, optimistic, crazy, euphoric, even stranger like.
The more you love, the more it hurts when you feel sad or betrayed or just left out by the entity you place your self and your trust in. 
In love you feel it all, for or because of the identity you try to give your love. You feel it all, the good, the bad, the indifferent.

In all, love is what makes you happy and creates room for those you love to feel their own happiness, how ever the form their love takes.

Remember that what feels good by your perceived universal belief can just be a common sense belief, only known and accepted by a coverted handful.

You would love to feel good by your standard, at your own pace, permitting what your person permits. In that space, remember everyone has a standard and would love to feel good by it too.

Love allows you to permit a lot of things, it does not take away your will to be.

So when asked what love is, let your mind paint a picture your heart sees , because love In itself, truly has not one definition.

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