Mind and Space is a dedicated column on
This column was carved out to talk about mental health as it affects us as individuals, focusing on depression and how to Help Fight Depression. At the state the country and entire world is right now, there is a need to have a discuss around the topic.

This column will collect Poetry pieces and short stories that will be published to help readers understand the need to pay attention to their Mental health and or pay closer attention to the signs in people they love.

To celebrate World mental health day 2021 (October 10th) submissions will run from September 10th to October 6th 2021, and the grand finale on October 10th we will hear voices of people brave enough to share their stories.

Depression is neither a curse nor a burden to carry alone. We will help fight Depression, one mind at a time.

Or call +234 701 043 2700 for enquiries.

If you wish to post a story anonymously go type your story here
and submit the link on this form 

Join Our WhatsApp community if you believe in this movement

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