The crying Nigerian child (Ten days of March dayVI)

William Orbih is a writer of #DidacticVerse and a PhD student of World Religions at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana USA. He believes that: 'when you cannot control the moment, just let it flow'

William Orbih
Whose baby has learnt to cry all day
and walk miles on premature bones?
Which toothless baby has to chew grains  
and sip spirits with spirits?
Whose baby has to learn a trade
and thread the murky path of hustlers?
Whose baby must now be exported for gains
and threshed till tainted Naira notes appear?  
Whose baby is constantly maltreated and plundered,
on whose head, slavery has been reinvented?

Whose baby is crying,
Left on the street, beside the stagnant gutters
Dressed naked and prepared,  
waiting to be raped and slaughtered at will?  
Whose baby must whimper day long
harmed mouthful, too soon, of adult lies?
Whose baby is in prison
lacerated, abandoned, annihilated,
guilty of all count charges?
Whose baby has spun out of control:
homeless, hopeless and futureless?
It is the baby of the woman,  
frustrated by society most unconcerned

Whose baby just died,
who cried itself to death
after stretching out too long without succour
innocent hands too meagre to be noticed?
Whose baby was denied the right to life
and the right to live well or just be human  
or the right to be woman and still be really human?
Whose baby is constantly analysed and debated
denied love, denied the human label?
It is the baby of Nigeria, the crying baby.
It is the Nigerian Baby.

Connect with William Orbhi on
Facebook: Orbih William 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes a baby of Nigeria is suffering from this and alot more