Soul on the run

Go on and take away my story
I will just keep living in your memories
Look inside my eyes
And I'll make you live my life_
Forget the pain
Forget the past
Forget the stain
Forget the cast
I am here 
I won't leave you
Yes I dare
To pull you through_
I am nothing
Nothing but a sickened mind
But we can be something
Together with a secret smile_

I know it sounds absurd
Because I am only but paper
And you a writer's blood
As ink spilling on paper_
But you can never blame me
Cos anywhere you go
You will find me
That's just how we roll...

So run far
Run wide
No matter how far
I am a piece of your mind_
So come Darling
Come be my muse
For your magic
I will break all the rules
I will spend time 
Singing to the blues
I will learn your charm
And put it to use_

But till then
Take my heart
Take my fast beating heart
You can go on and take away my story
I will just keep living in your memories
Look inside my eyes
And I will make you live my life_
I know it sounds absurd
Because I am only but paper
And you a writer's blood
As ink spilling on paper_
But you can never blame me
Cos anywhere you go
You will find me
That's just how we roll...
©Mercy A. Patrick

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Yours truly Mercy Patrick.

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