Better For Me

Be better for you.
Many times in life we believe running from our problems will make them disappear
A lot of us believe that alcohol can drown our sorrows
We want to believe a lot of things just so it works
And if at some point it works for us,
Then it becomes an eternal cure
But even a cure can kill, slowly.

Reverse psychology
Believing doesn't do it,
Believing simply makes it 100% possible.

Run from your problems
Start a new life
Make new ground rules
Write new laws
Forge new principles
Even get a hard reset on your brain...
Truth is,
No matter the many new starts we create
No matter the many miles we run
No matter the many rules and laws we create
No matter the principles we forge
Or the many formats our brains receive
We remain to be us.

We will get to the same point
To the point that drove us the first time around
And when we get there we have to choose
To either run, drown in alcohol or just believe some made up lies
We could even attempt to rewrite our memories
Or, we could just realize this;
The only constant thing in everything has been us
The situations changed but not us
The people involved changed but not us
So, if things must be better
One thing has to adopt a new method of choosing
And that one thing is us.

In all truth we are humans
And as humans,
fail to practice what we preach
But, if we must live better
We must choose to be better for ourselves
And I choose to be better for me.
Sometimes facing a problem squarely, sober and with full optimism
Happens to be the only real solution.

Inspired by Angela Louisa Ojei

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Yours truly Mercy A. Patrick.

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