
If only a wave of my hand could suffice
If only Christmas could make us realize
If only, if only I can go past being alive
If only the Christmas message still do entice

Maybe we (should) speak to the man who takes
His home for a boxing (day) ring (wedding band)
Or the child that keeps learning the tricks of
Watching a woman suffer.
There is a box under the tree 
To be full of happy things
But many homes lack the happy things
Because there is neither box nor tree

The part is Box-in-Ring
A box of gifts in the family ring
Not a day aside to get high
And make the season sour

No preach for a speech
2017 has given its own worthy piece
And Christmas will soon be a passing piece
If only we could claim the peace.

Learning two lessons could do the trick
1. Sprinkle some love in everything you give
2. When you crash, do no.1 again n give

🎄Compliment of the season🎄

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Yours truly Mercy A. Patrick.

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