Drink Up

I let my mind wander
Then I wait to see what it comes home with
Sometimes the expectations are broader
But I don't regret the little I come home with
We are many tiny different pieces
But when fixed together in the right way
We form a really beautiful piece

I took my time to see through
Just to have an overview
And I did see a few
And the trick my mind did do

I looked at all the friends I made
At the enemies I should hate
At the self I baked
And at the crazy we did create

And at the many points I was
Just seeing how very dysfunctional we all can be
Yet we find a way to just fit in
I sit alone
Just smiling at our many tiny mistakes
And loving the fact that many rules we did break

And so again I let my mind wander
And I love the little mess I came home with
Everyone making new year resolutions
Resolutions they never keep
So why not try making this one;
Be yourself,
Because originality never goes under the bridge

So drink up
Drink up all of the hate and frustration
Drink up all of the malice and inferiority
Drink up all of those tiny bad habits
Drink up let's have a new bottle
Vintage wine never hurts
Just a new taste in an old cup.

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Yours truly Mercy Patrick.

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