I try not to think of a sinking boat when I am yet to learn the language of the sea.

It takes two to tango or so they say,
either ways, all our feelings will endup on the street,
either as a fascinating story on Wall street,
or as some juicy gossip.

In the long-run, all things have their ways of working,
Process is one thing we do not understand but choose just to follow.
It is only logical that we leave our loved ones still hoping,
but in time all our troubles will grow hollow.

Blood is just a thing of nature,
why are we not allowed to change?
Due to some computed Alphabets we become unsure,
we run from pillar to post like we live in an ice age.

But look where we are now,
far distance apart but only separated by blood.
Deep in our hearts we wonder how,
how one moment can sweep an eternity away like a flood.

It is like living your childhood all over again,
only this time, the adrenaline is no longer from the effect of the drugs.
We plan parties and host plays,
but the things we hardly forget from the events are the songs unsung.

On every note of our favourite song, we are different people;
AA on the outside,
AS before our families,
SS in the dark.
It becomes so hard for us to ballet our lives back to life.

It is just a colour,
O, Now red is the dumbest colour.
Dumb, so dumb.

Like our facebook page: Mercirick Blog. Yours truly Mercirick.

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