The Toddler Approach I

Unique abilities of toddlers.
- Toddlers enjoy to be read to and they do because at that stage their minds are open to new things, now the mind of a toddler is not open to new things because it is empty but rather because it still has the ability to accept things as they are.
- Toddlers smile and laugh at things that are exciting, inciting and more so amusing to them, not because they don't know what else to do but because they recognise chemistry and have the ability to allow themselves react to it just the way they are.
- Toddlers cry when they get scared because they have the ability to react to reality. Because they have not yet fashioned the specialty of shadowing emotions.
- Toddlers want to try new things because they want to know the boundaries of these things they now feel, they want to see how limitless they are because they have the ability to accept that there is more.
- Toddlers will want you to pick them up sometimes because they want you to feel what they feel, but other times it's the other way around they want to feel what you feel and this is because they have the ability to recognise purity, just feelings, uncontaminated by worries and what if's.
- Toddlers have the ability to get mad but we don't often see that because you (the adults) more than every time train their responses in the way they (the adults) want to feel.

The toddler approach teaches you to be honest with yourself and to solve problems from the most basic point of view.

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