A welcomed stranger dwells amongst us. 
It's been here for decades. 
Even though we welcomed it with a cheering heart, the only thing it reciprocate is pain and frustration. 
I see you're about to accuse and challenge this particular stranger. Hold your breath for a second, don't be in haste to judge... 
Have you asked the questions? Have you made the research? Ask about those who welcome such a stranger with directions into this world. Ask about those whose negligence brought about day-to-day pain, frustration and apprehension. Ask them why they were so selfish. Ask them why they were so ignorant. Ask them why they never asked the important question. Above all, ask them why they had to bring the innocent into this world with chains on them to suffer for a lifetime...

We all have these brave strangers around us. We all see their pain. 
We all see their bravery. 
Born as slaves but, growing and facing everyday as warriors. 
Yes! I said warriors. 
For these innocent and brave beings, everyday is a battle. A battle that must be won. And after every victory, there's barely time for them to share the spoils of war. They have to go back home and prepare for another battle. That's the burden their innocent hearts have been subjected to for what might seem as an eternity...

Now the time has come when we all that exist should break the chains. Let's stop this act and art of turning blind eyes and deaf ears to pains we can avoid. Before you check feelings, why not check your genotype. If genotypes don't match, then feelings should never match. 
And oh yes I hear you saying God will do it and make a way. Remember this, "Do not test your God,"  He gave us knowledge about these things so we won't have to bother him over them again. God is too busy attending to so many things than to be bothered with something he already gave solutions to...

This bridge that ushers the innocent warriors into this world has been strong in existence for decades and millenniums. 
The time is now and right my people. 
Spread the word around you. 
Don't spare anyone the lecture. 
Even most of the educated are still ignorant of this... 




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