
Day 7 on the Help Fight Depression campaign
Today September 16, 2021 marks the International day for the preservation of ozone layer. In 1994 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared this day to mark the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer.

To help save the Ozone layer, buy aerosol products that do not use HCFCs or CFCs as propellants, plant a tree, and remember, the atmosphere is everything it is because of you.

I still wonder how I got here
Just a moment ago I felt the end near
near that I could taste it's residue
for death felt like a debt overdue

even that death felt merciful for my tainted soul
depressed, unsure, used, lost, unwhole 

But in these extremeness of my pain 
I found nothing extraordinary
it was just hunger 
for hope was kept starved

Sparsely alone in my hunger
the emptiness lingered
Tapping into the energy of empty souls around me
my only saviour was Hope
and she was startved

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