Today the 10th day of September 2021, marks world Suicide prevention day. On this day we are called to make a commitment and action plan to prevent suicides.
By statistics world male:female suicide ratio rate is 1.7 : 1.
In 1999, death by self-inflicted injuries was the fourth leading cause of death among aged 15–44, in the world. In a 2002 study it was reported the countries with the lowest rates tend to be in Latin America, "Muslim countries and a few Asian countries", and noted a lack of information from most African countries. (Wikipedia)

Suicide in Nigeria: Observations from the content analysis of newspapers

Results: The mean (SD) age of the reported cases was 36.33 (15.48) years. Majority of the reported cases were male (80.6%), married (51.8%), students (33.6%), living in a semi-urban area (40.3%) and among the age group of 25–34 (25.3%). Hanging (48.6%) and poisoning (32.2%) were the most commonly reported methods of suicide. Financial constraints and marital conflicts were most commonly assumed precipitating factors. (

There has been no up-to-date statistics on the suicide rate or an understudy of the causes and effects of suicide in Nigeria and Africa. But one thing is sure the wahala for life plenty, and everyday we have to make conscious efforts to remain on the positive side of life. Creating positive thoughts, sharing positive talks and learning to listen when others speak. Sometimes, the best way to help anyone is to listen when they speak and let the story end with you.

To kick-start our Help Fight Depression campaign and mark the World Suicide Prevention Day 2021, our first piece;

Suicide by Mr-Bright

Have you seen her
She is tall and chocolate in complexion
The only daughter of her mother
She just left home now
And dropped a suicidal note

Have you seen her
Tell her if relationship didn't favour her
That suicide is not an option 
For life has no duplicate

Have you seen her
Tell her that the best way
To kill death is to live
Tell her that her mother 
Can't withstand the tears of her demise 

Have you seen her
Tell her that depression should be kept behind
And let life goes on
Tell her that the future is unpredictable
When you see her, don't forget to tell her 
That life is about challenges


Follow on social media @Mercirick

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So lovely, may God guide our heart and console our ❤.