You are the peace maker
Constantly seeking to give solutions
So you go on to create more problems

My life is like a support group
Constantly getting the question
'Do you have anything to share with us today?'
But if I did share they'd still ask the same question everyday

So here I am
Filled with solutions no one wants
And creating more questions with the ones they do
-Valerie Vishnay

Questions that I despise yet true they are
It's me against me, constantly seeking for the perfect answer
Asking the why(s) and answering  the how(s)
Such chaotic beauty I call this circle
-Anthony Chielo

This toxic cycle 
The one bad relationship I can never seem to break out of 
Like a cancer patient my body is killing my body
My mind is feeding off my mind

Like a cancer patient I'm dying... I'm killing myself

You are the peace maker
Constantly seeking to give the one thing she has never had
-Deborah Johnson

Everyday I wear that same branded jacket that reads
'born to rule'
And I make sure to never miss a meeting
But even over 25 my mind still can't comprehend its own rules

Give me a perfect answer
But maybe in the next gathering
Can I go on creating more problems?
Because I desperately need to get me some solution


Chris said...

Nice write-up, there was a message in every verse.
And I also would not forget to pray for clarity 🙏

Unknown said...

Very wonderful write up.... We all need to pray for our clarities, especially we that exist on this part of the World.... Creative minds are just left to languish in devastation and frustration... May God help us.

Unknown said...

Very wonderful write up.... We all need to pray for our clarities, especially we that exist on this part of the World.... Creative minds are just left to languish in devastation and frustration... May God help us.

Unknown said...

Very wonderful write up.... We all need to pray for our clarities, especially we that exist on this part of the World.... Creative minds are just left to languish in devastation and frustration... May God help us.

Unknown said...

Mercy nice one

Unknown said...

You have always been inspiring me, nice one mercirick

Unknown said...

Very good as always Beyonce

Anonymous said...

Nice one, Merci. I've been looking forward to your posts. As usual keep it up.