Don't know Anymore

Watching through closed eyes from a distance
All because close relationships hurt
Feelings are a hindrance
So hate should make it work
But I can only hate 
Unless I once loved right,... Wrong
But yeah
I once loved but now I hate
I guess it's cool since it's all wrong

The most petrifying state is serenity
When in two ticks it goes off
You know this atrocity
But soon sprint in fallen love
What keeps you happy
Is it the pain or the hug
The sane or the drug
The adrenaline or the songs

I remember what I forget
And the things that keep me happy
Are those I don't know anymore
How your stare hitches my breath
The days or nights I got lucky
Your short sleep and tiny snores
I guess I forget when I tell me truths like
I don't remember anymore

So I'll watch you again through closed eyes
And from a safe distance
So you don't hurt my heart
Or ask for the same last dance
When I know I needed you 
But only said hey
You know you needed me 
Yet you asked to stay

Backs against a thin wall
Same blade through our cell walls
Never bare enough to sip
But we slip same beer in our cup
You sang me to sleep
Then cut the ties off our chord
Changing through topics
Over a rouge phone call
You ask if am happy
Guess I don't know anymore

Yours truly MerciRick