
Life is like taking a long drive down Nowhere
You name your lane and streets
You end up afraid of your own self...

Sometimes you are the Sherlock of your story
Other times you are just Rapunzel
Waiting for the charmed prince.
People get misunderstood
In some ways used
Sometimes overlooked
A lot of times underestimated.

In the end it is life
Your life
And the only thing life owe you is to go on,
With or without you.
The best gift you can give yourself is happiness
The next best you can share is a little compassion
Some sense of understanding.

So be the best builder
The greatest adventurer
Be the only one of your kind
Get hurt
Be misunderstood
But in the whole drama
Live life like this moment were your boomerang.
#lifestyle #life101 #life #lifequotes
#cartoon #inspire #writersofig
#motivation #original #edit #perspective #perspectivequotes #perspective2019

Yours truly MerciRick


Unknown said...

Nice one

Mercy Patrick said...

Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

Make sense, it's cool

Unknown said...

True...when the journey of life seem smooth we happy to be sherlock but when its the reverse we reside to being rapunzel of which the later is the time we really need to step up our sherlock game.

Well that's life

Mercy Patrick said...

That indeed is life.Thanks so much.

Mercy Patrick said...

So glad you could connect.Thank you.

Misfits said...

You have said it all, got me thinking about a lot of things.

Unknown said...

The sky is the starting point Girl.