A spoken word piece for the start of another year (2019)
So many people get caught by their collars by their own resolutions and self acclaimed promises of BECOMING better humans, such that when they don't meet up to their own expectations it becomes a reason to believe a jinx on them ascribed to the unkept resolutions now BECOMING the ghost of them.

Self realization and growth is acknowledged by the ability to believe in ones self
Jan 1st, June 11, November 14... Any day can be your starting point.

Being appreciative for a new year isn not a block of chain to bury your self worth and spirit.
Be positive.
Stay woke.
Beat by FadaBen - Fr. Ben Onyemechalu
Video edit n all tricks by Mercirick - Mercy Patrick
Spoken word by Mercirick - Mercy Patrick

Yours truly MerciRick

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