By special request...
He said being bipolar was a gift
One he could never completely make use of...

He says,
When he's on one surface and he finally finds his purpose
and it is one beautiful thing to do, just before execution,
The other surface comes to life
And he has to start the journey all over again.

He says it is beautiful because
He can't be held responsible for anything since no one is totally sure of what is in charge
But the biggest pain is,...
Even he doesn't know who is in charge sometimes.

He says,
But the beauty of it all is that my bipolarity is a gift of a new beginning at every switch.
And Bipolarity is just a word you all feel comfortable with, but is that my state of mind?
I guess you'll never know
All personal info with held.
After our conversation he didn't remember telling me all these. 
Or so he said😓
But he is the most lively soul I know...
Life is a gift. 😊

Yours truly MerciRick

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