Since I came to Atisbo I felt the
environment and everything in it was in love with me in disguise.
Especially the insects.
Since I arrived atisbo in August I've been biten by all types of insects,
even those without mandible.
I've been beaten by bees (for the first time in my life),
ants, mosquitoes, grasshoppers and butterflies...
Don't be surprised.
In this kind of environment anything can be wild.
Maybe my fair IGBO skin was so shiny to them like a 0 karat gold.
But what happened last night that triggered me to share this
was that I was biten by a spider.
How did it happen?
After yesterday's work at my PPA
I went to the coppers lodge,
where I stay for now.
I ate, took my bath,
spent the cool evening discussing with my co-kopas.
At exactly 10:00pm, I felt tired for the day
and decided to end the day with a wonderful night rest.
As I laid my head on my pillow to sleep,
I was approaching dream land when I felt a stimuli somewhere on my back.
I stood up immediately as the pain was extra ordinary.
I Immediately grabbed my phone,
as the torch light I bought from kopa Rasheed Abu-twins
was still on the wall socket.
I noticed something moving out of my bed.
The size was bigger than normal as I suspected it to be a cockroach.
The shape too I noticed and I couldn't describe.
Immediately 2 voices came spoke to me.
One said GUY GO SLEEP, and the other said GUY KILL IT.
With the last strength in me, I stood my igbo butt lazily,
grabbed my Wonderful torch light ( Abu twins)
to hunt the creepy creature.

The search for the unknown organism made me scatter my room
and it looked like the battle field of Iwo Jima.
I finally found it hiding in my curtain.
When I saw this spider, at first another voice spoke to me
Guy you are dead meat
At that I immediately remembered all I used to watch about spiders on NatGeoWild.
Immediately I bought data with my Mobile App,
started researching on spiders as if I was about to defend a project on it today.
I couldn't ascertain if the spider that bit me was poisonous or not.
Immediately I started praying.
If you had seen me yesterday you would think I just graduated from the school of theology.
I drop all my free thinker's philosophy and ran to God.
I said to my self
well, maybe it was my destiny I would die this way.

I woke kopa Musa up, told him what happened.
I also assumed him to be my attorney for the night,
with words of mouth I read my will to him,
telling him that my Mobile phone goes to my younger brother if I shouldn't wake up the next morning.
Gloriously I woke up this morning.
I really thank God.

All this got me thinking,
If I had carefully checked my bed before lying down,
I wouldn't have had a horrible night or any course to blame God or destiny.
Most things that happen to us are caused by us.
Citing another example,
By rumors
If only that Lagos kopa was not walking on the road with headphones on
she may be alive today.
we should learn how to live carefully.
Before any action, think carefully about the outcomes and dangers too.

Always examine your bed and pillow properly before you lay down.
Not just spiders, snakes may be there too..
Three years ago a spider killed a family of 7 in Imo state,
as they heated water for eba not knowing there was spider in the kettle.

Take care of your property, and directly care for yourself.

Piece by Ugo Manuel
Connect with him on
Facebook: Ugo Manuel

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Yours truly Mercy A. Patrick.

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