Should Have Known Better

Grace, give us grace to live o lord
All we need is your grace
My heart is heavy
My knees are weak
The tears pouring out
My strength wearing out

We fall then we rise
Constant battles we fight
Words of mighty men
Fall on deaf ears
Lasting for all eternity are the million moments just after the fall
But the moments before rising
Those are the longest and toughest

We had to at some point make conscious decisions
And uncomfortable ones too to keep us from the crowd
But what we did not realize was that
The crowd balls down to our crowd
And our crowd could be just one person

The things we have fallen short of today are;
Indept learning, the bliss of personal conviction
And proper time management

Constantly beating ourselves to the fact that
We should have known better
Well, yes matter of factly
We should have known better
We should have said no when the crowd said yes
We should have taken an extra coat with us that cold night
We should have taken the chance when we had it
We should have
We should have known better

But now its all said and done
And we didn't know any better
We had no clue as to how
Though we heard the voices in our head
We simply chose to ignore
We fell for the tricks of free Cake and coke
Now we have lost the taste of fine wine
Didn't you hear stories of the finess of old wine
Did your batteries fail when the speakers came on
Did you forget the role you had in tomorrow
I guess youth was highly overrated
Just a messed up phase to get degraded
To fill an empty ego and leave rationale deflated

Now alcohol takes the best of us
Because we have fallen and settled in dust
If you can control your cup
Your cup don't control you
And if you can lead the pack
The world will follow you
Forget the trending things they only last a while
Follow your heart but listen to your mind
Those two will last with you forever
When you pray feel your words
And when you receive
Remember when you once prayed
For life is only but a small pitch
And we all players after one ball
With a goal to be remembered.

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Yours truly Mercy Patrick.

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