Write for love

You are my poison
But strangely my antidote
The one that makes me mad
But strangely keeps me calm
I tell me to stay away
But then I walk away to find another way

You are the same repulsive magnet the pulls me close
the same one to which I whisper yes but screams no
I said I wouldn't but the end is the same
In my sleep I call your name
And every second my thoughts are insane

the night sure does play a lot of tricks on us
But even with the Sun up you crowd my thoughts
I scream out loud that you are my friend
But who am I kidding with that trend
Even my eyes cannot pretend
When you are near I try hard to hold the stead

I explain every word like a two edged sword
My mind must be missing a cord
Because the rhythm in my heart is like a secret chord

I can't tell you how I feel
Cos I feel I'll loose this deal
The unspoken one as my skin your eyes peel
My pleading eyes wonder if you see what I feel
I loose sleep because of you
Every Sunday hoping to catch that view

but it is a sad story because I freeze at the sight of you
Like echo my words returned to me without you
More nights my pulse counts
Meditating on the curves by your mouth
My mind your memories mount

Why do I say no when I mean yes
And deny my soul what it truly yearns
I push me to tell you but I never dare

I said again, next Sunday I will have it done
Talk to you and let the feelings be gone
I started on a note so soft acting cool like Lara Croft
I know I said a lot but don't remember a word

And on last note I said "You gon' miss me when I'm gone"
but with your heart crazy smile
You made me stare for a while
Then you said "I miss you already now"

 Yours truly MerciRick

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