This one poem never left me
Since my primary school days
At some point I tell me
This was your push into poetry
But I don't know for sure
It could all have been there all along
Poetry buried inside of me.

My ambition
I do not crave for riches
Or worldly source of power
I ask for God's free air
To shelter from the elements
Give me the right of mine
The right to say my thoughts
The right to say my needs
The right to erect
The right to fitting thrones
To call my soul my own
My humble heart provide*
Where kindness may abide.

Back then we would laugh and say;
*My uncle has a wife
 Where can I see and buy

Though right now some words are blury
And it may seem funny to those who once recited it
It still remains one of my best from primary school
And I have searched but haven't found an original piece to it
In all things I am glad to have been one of the many
Who had the chance to know this piece.

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Yours truly Mercy A. Patrick.

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