Lesson for today:
The Courage To Be Less Generous.

Going about my usual morning chores,
this time the lesson is centred on
the compound sweeping.
Not the sweeping action, but the mechanism.
Sweeping the compound this morning
with the all so familiar less of a worthy broom
which after every swipe, comes with at least
two sticks falling off.

I watched this happen for a while and
decided subconsciously to ignore
the ignorance of the ignorant broom.
But towards the end of the sweep routine,
I stopped to observe, and I realized that
many sticks of broom were gone,
leaving the less of a worthy broom
looking even lesser than less (if that qualifies).

At that moment,
I stood to observe the trail, then
I started to pick the sticks up one by one,
and it struck me;
Many of us live to please others,
Just because they asked nicely.
If only "nicely" does the trick,
I should be the president of America today.
Yes people can be nice,
But some only play the nice guy trick
To suck dry your generous side.

If you continue feeding the less important
And start dinning with the world's
second best fail word "soon".
Then you would have lost all you have
And all your mental and physical Worth
By the time soon finally comes.

Fact is, fate is fate.
But fate itself is always influenced
By our faith and hard works.
If you totally believe that
By discomforting yourself
You will 
Learn to be generous,
Then please, try this;
Learn to be less generous.

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Yours truly Mercirick.

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