ACERBITY (pure Normals)

They call to me and tell me to sit…
They want to have a word
They say it is important and cannot be overlooked
They start to tell me stories of things I never saw
Of things I have never heard, done or dreamt
They say it is their life story...

I hear them say they are older
And will get gray hairs sooner
And so they think they are wiser
And I should be the listener
They do not ask for my opinions
They think am still a kid.
They only keep on talking
And bore the hell out of me.

Yes I agree that I am far younger
And I probably do not know what you have been through
And that I am probably smaller
And you have a lot of experiences too
But you do not know me like I do
And you know that this is true.
I also have experiences that you have never been through
I have my own challenges far different from yours
I have excelled in places you never thought to try.

Age does not define wisdom, success or vision
I believe I should also speak at some point
And you should be a listener
I believe you should give me the chance
To also relate my stories with you
For we are different people
And we have had different been_throughs,
I owe you a life story as well as you owe me one
You need to learn from me too
So next time I draw a seat
Because you want to brief me on something,
I hope we could both brief each other
And put that age_number to shame!!

For this beautiful piece, all thanks to
the creative mind of Miss. Nzeh Chika Victoria
To follow her on facebook: Itz V-Key.

Like our facebook page: Mercirick Blog. Yours truly Mercirick.

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