Everyday is a teacher,
Some you like, others you do not, few others you crush on.
Some appear in mini skirts, others in baggy shorts few others in overrated tights.
Some are welcoming, others are eccentric.
Some you like, others you can not just wait to be away from.
Some do the one-man class magic on the board, others are like Matthew7:7.
Some will give you that questioning look every time you walk into the class, others will look past you and back to their business.
Some will make it their business to call you names, others will be sure to forget you had one.

When it comes to each moments that lasts like classes,
Sometimes we leave,
Sometimes we skip,
Sometimes we learn.
But in the end we know the teacher, at least by the subject.
If Monday were Maths Uncle,
Tuesday were Biology Aunty,
Wednesday were Quantitative Uncle,
Thursday Religion Aunty,
And Friday English Aunty.
Then I would say little wonder virtually everyone I know hate Mondays.

But like a teacher once told me, she said;
“If you must hate anything, do not hate your teacher,
because If you do, you will end up failing the subject”
She said
“if you do not like them, entertain them enough to pass enough.”
So truth be told, if every single day were a teacher,
Then we have a single obligation to entertain each day just enough to pass through them to get to certain places.
If you want to live the laziest life,
do not be too lazy to entertain each day just enough to pass through them to get to certain places.

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Yours truly Mercirick.

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