Last year the season brought us to A 25TH DAY OF CHRISTMAS,
but over 365days, something happened,
something changed and as a result, we have this;
The search for the lost Christmas spirit. 

Where is the spirit?
Where is the spirit?
Where is the spirit of Christmas?
I searched in every place and person,
in every soul and home.
Still lost, where is the spirit?
Where is my Christmas miracle.

Was it not yesterday morning
when my neighbour Christian
told me he was still searching for his pregnant goat,
the one he suspects our other neighbour Titus of stealing
the week before Christmas?

Where is my Christmas spirit?
The one that had not recession attached,
The one that had not change attached,
The one that had me dancing in anticipation.

Year after year
we get tired of the waiting,
tired of the craze,
tired of the misconceptions of Christmas.

We look after the old ones,
and try to make them new,
there in the very same instance,
we ignore the new ones,
and they become rusting old,

year after year
the stew pot grows thinner,
the wood burns smaller,
and the chickens run for shelter,...
But unnoticed our Christmas spirit suffers.

Where is the spirit?
Where is the Christmas spirit,
that once gave us the cherry laughter
and hopeful chatters.

Where is the spirit?
Where is the Christmas spirit,
that left us waiting for Santa and the gifts,
rather than the Christ.
(Although a lot of people have different 
expectations for the season, they still had hope)

Where is the spirit?
Where is the Christmas spirit,
that made us all kids intelligent,
counting on 365days to another 25th of December.

But, still in the burning silent hope, we ask...
Where is the spirit?
Where is the Christmas spirit... To be continued.

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