They didn’t tell Simbi that uncle Ali was a bad man,

they simply warned her not to go into his room

and then she obeyed them and followed him to the backyard.

The sexuality test…

They never taught us about sex,

all they did was threaten us not to get pregnant.

They said to the girls;

Don’t go close to boys they will hurt you, they will destroy your future.

But when you sit far on the edge of the seat

or prefer to stand in class or places of worship,

the instructors see you as too clandestine or strangely holy.

To the boys;

They said leave those small girls alone

they have not even develop in certain place including their minds

and boys feel all powerful and in-charge,…

He was never told that even Sister Nkechi could be a bigger danger to him,

when she is done cleaning the house and they are home alone.

Since they said “junior leave those small girls alone”

Sister Nkechi could never be a danger in his sight.

To the single rational mind;

What they, the society forgot to tell us was

the danger of Uncle Ali and Sister Nkechi,

rather they gave us a notion that

their rooms were dangerous and not they themselves.

Now Boys get closer to boys and Girls get closer to girls

and find solace and comfort in each.

and they say the world is coming to an end.

Actually, the world came to an end the moment

the wrong teachings came from the right teachers.

The sexuality test, a fail safe or failed state?

Tell the boy and the girl,

let Simbi understand how to protect herself from Junior

and tell Junior not to overlook the signs of Sister Nkechi’s kindness

and extra hours daily duty of “let me bath you again today”.

if Simbi knew the danger of “take sweet”

every day Uncle Ali would be defeated from

changing the background to the backyard.

If only Junior and/or Simbi were taught the signs and seasons,

they would not have turned out to be our everyday

random uncle Ali and/or Sister Nkechi…

If only we tried just a little bit to lift

love higher that shame and lift trust higher than pride.

Who knows,... Sexuality test.

They told us that love was what happened between a man and a woman.

They never told us our parents could love us too.

Fail safe or failed state.

In one bit second, we rape the truth.


IkechukwuChielo said...

The Bitter Truth. We will sing it till their ears prick and their minds become an ocean of turbulence. Thank you Mercy.

Mercy Patrick said...

☺️Thank you too. It's a good course.