For a split second, I thought of many things, and from my thoughts I thought of one of many of the tiny thoughts, and this came to the fore; the thought about the neglected fixing pieces.

The tiny broken pieces of life may not be enough on a good day, but they are damn too essential to be lost. For your success story? Those tiny broken pieces make the biggest effects. They raise the resounding applauses, call the loudest cheers, spice the impending punctuations, appraise the teary eyes, and paint haunting lips with the sweetest smiles, they powder hearts with admiration, eyes with respect, swirl minds with damning thoughts and pose those thoughts with "what ifs". Those tiny pieces matter the most, because they carry character. The character of 'Sorry, Thankyou and Please',
the character of 'Excuse me, please' and My personal favorite; the chaRaCter of a Genuine smIle.

One tiny mess you create may not seem important to you at all, but time and time again, many tiny messes create the rift between fear and respect, another between love and appreciation and another between a break, a damage and a destroyed. Many have been through much, but ExpeRience Carefully made It right, that in the long run, the tiny pieces do the fixing and their fix makes the difference... Tiny little fixings, those tiny little things fixes.

If Tiny Little were a name. Then Tiny Little fixes.
Ref. 2Ch 20:10
Pick out the tiny pieces of experiences you have ignored in your life, and make things right today.
Mercirick cares.

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