Say #NotTooYoungToRun

 #NotTooYoungToRun: Are the Nigerian youths ready for leadership?

The most trending hashtag on twitter for the past three days " #NotTooYoungToRun"
which poses some questions to us, questions like; Are the Nigerian youths ready for leadership? The focus has been on the need to have young people in governance with little attention being paid to the readiness of these group to lead the Nigerian nation.

In a bid to change the narrative, the lawmaker representing Oshodi/Isolo Federal Constituency of Lagos state at the House of Representatives, Tony Nwulu sponsored a bill seeking the reduction in age for Nigerians seeking elective positions.
quite reasonable if you ask,

In its push, the bill is seeking to reduce the qualification into the office of President from ages 40 to 30 years, office of Governor from 35 to 30 years, the Senate and Governorship from 35 to 30 years, and the federal and state houses of assembly from 30 to 25 years.

Another pillar on which the bill stands is to mainstream independent candidacy into the country's electoral process. The bill has passed second reading and it is currently at the Committee Stage. For the bill to become a law, it would need to pass through third reading, moved to the Senate for concurrence and president for assent.

#NotTooYoungToRun back drop.

Proponents of the bill are of the view that the youths (over 70 million people in Nigeria) if allowed to lead would stair the affairs of the country better than previous leaders (older politicians). The Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth & Advancement(YIAGA), have championed the campaign for the passage of the bill.
In this regard, Mr. Afeez Aluko Secretary general of GAMJI, our very own Mr. Obembe Kolawale Michael SUG PRO UniAbuja and Mr. Awe Olatunde Ebenezer SUG UniAbuja stakeholder have all shown their full support for this #NotTooYoungToRun Bill.
 Mr. Awe Olatunde Ebenezer and Mr. Obembe Kolawale Michael
Mr. Afeez Aluko, Mr. Awe Olatunde Ebenezer and Mr. Obembe Kolawale Michael

Mr. Obembe Kolawale Michael

For more details, goto:
ff on twitter:@YIAGA   #NotTooYoungToRun.

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