What if heaven had a strange connectivity, a wireless connection, a free to air data? What if heaven was the data hub of internet, the brain of IBM, the reason and nectar for networking itself?

What if you realize that all these what if(s) were true and gigantically 1Trillion-Mega-Momentum times faster than light (yea I kinda over reacted on that one).

If only we can realize that there exist a stronger connectivity of over flowing Grace directly from heaven to your souls without the need for a mechanical gadget like the craze of android.

But come to think of it, many Christians miss the true essence of Christmas which all (Christians and non-Christians) know it to be the birth of Christ, but still miss the true essence, talk more about Easter,... Who would really care about the meaning of Easter anyway? Or say the true meaning. I guess to many it is just another holiday.

Talking about Easter, if you ask me, Easter is the reason for Christianity, Easter is the resurrection, the cleansing of all perversion. Someone, a Christian asked me; “ what is Easter all about?, I only celebrate Christmas in all essence, but Easter, I don’t really know the meaning, so it is just another holiday for me”. I went into deep thought, then I tried to explain to this fellow that without Easter, there would be no Christmas. Because if, taking into consideration; a man makes a great impact in your life, and you hear this very man was to celebrate his birthday the very next week, I tell you, you will never forget that date. So also, Jesus being the Christ because of the wholesome sacrifice of the cross, His ultimate resurrection (Easter), His birthday (Christmas) becomes a great celebration too.

The true essence of Easter, the sacrifice, the way of the cross;

If only we can understand the true meaning of the words “I thirst” Christ said on the cross =Christ thirst for the sins of men, He took in the bitterness and declared it all finished.

If only we can understand the true meaning of the act where Jesus was stripped of His garment= Jesus carried our shame.

If only we can understand the true meaning of the reason why Jesus always has His hands wide open up on the cross= To receive all men, especially the unclean to make them clean. Imagine this with me; if Christ for the part of been man, is just man, which sane man would do what he did? Sanity? What sanity is humanly proven in the act of this wholesome sacrifice? What sanity can be proven from the act of the cross. The redemption ground.

The Heavenly WIFI.

If only we can understand the true meaning, when the soldiers mocked Jesus while HE hung up on the cross= imagine with me, a man of such power, a man say high up in the military rank, from the view of man he should charge His soldiers to rescue Him. From the point of man also, a man with the power of God should invoke thunder and lightening upon his persecutors, but He took all of the pain in perseverance.

The Heaven WIFI.

If only we can understand the true meaning of the Heavenly WIFI.

If only we could understand the effect of a genuine smile on the life of the world.

If only we can understand the true meaning of Easter, slowly slowly, we only want to go to church because people are going, slowly slowly we miss the true meaning of Christianity. Slowly slowly we loose hold of the grace attached to our souls, slowly slowly we forget the true essence of Easter.

If only we can understand the true connectivity of the Heavenly WIFI.

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