I sat for a long while thinking,
thinking how things would be, how i would feel,...
will I be incredibly fine, or stupidly sad, will I be greatly mad or steal the kiss i never had.
But when I realized all these questions and feelings were circled around one 25th to come,
it dawn on me that Christmas was not just about me, or about my boyfriend/­girlfriend,
it really did occour to me that all around the world was Christmas, a ‘was’ to come.
It really took me some time, but I realized that Christmas was not just about me, how I felt,
or how much I cheered, I realized Christmas was actually... ME.

Because the much I do with myself that makes me smile tomorrow
is what makes Christmas a “Christ Mass” (A worthy Christlike population).
While in Newyork they select mistletoes and steal kisses,
in Nigeria we create savings for Christmas clothes and rice.
While in England they look out for snow flakes and Santa,
in Nigeria some hope for a milder sun and enough meat while we go out visiting friends.

While others are busy enjoying the holidays some are busy making sure you enjoy your holiday,
some others are busy not realizing just how fast it goes, and still,
some are counting the what seems like "2days" (kwana biyu-hausa),
yet others do not even recognize the changes in time.

 Although in America, Africa and Antarctica, we celebrate Christmas differently,
we still hangout, watch our Christmas lights, send cards and gifts,
sing Christmas songs, watch fireworks, feel loved, and even sometimes get our Christmas miracle.

Sometimes we get heartbreaks, and some other times just a loop of all these.
So much I expect from this 25th day of December, so much that I forget I also ought to give.
Someday I wish to look forward to another 25th day in another December and say
  "I have everything good I wished for in the last 25th day of the last December."
But come to think of it, to some, maybe it is only just a day,
only just a 25th day of December.

Maybe I will look back and smile,
maybe I will only look back to this 25th day of December as only a day.
 Merry Christ_Mass.
 Yours Truly Patrick A. Mercy


abrahamikpoma@gmail.com said...

believing...... Christmas must be something more....

Mercy Patrick said...

''Something More''