Society My Society. Some people were born leaders, and others were trained, simply because you fall on the other side of the scale from me won't make me think any less of you, because when I rise on that scale, I know it is at the expense of your fall, and vice versa. If you hate me for being me, I am sorry, because you'll just endup not being you. Rather than looking at the diversity of our different talents, look at the uniqueness of our differences. Young adults reason; Parents will never understand their children because they are so busy trying to protect them that they never pause to listen, they never pause to read the manual, (their Ward's true feelings) and so for that Very reason, every kid has to create a personality their parents would never be ashamed of, as long as they be before them. You can't rely on society to tell you what you're worth, because it is the same society that tells you to be yourself, that still goes ahead to tell you to be ashamed of yourself and stop being your natural self. It is the same society that tells you that abortion is wrong yet looks down on teenage parents. The same society that calls street football wayward yet compares their kids to Ronaldo of purtugal. The same society that gives you no shot in life but expects you to have a 6years working experience. The same society that says you must go to school, that says school is not meant for everyone, but when you fail it says you are a failure. The same society that takes from you and twists your arms in strap suits and tells the world that you are a vile rogue. Now I don't expect everyone to understand this, because not everyone who says he is living a life can conform this. But this is specially dedicated to you; The one who constantly stops to ask why, The one says it's OK no matter how much you hurt, just for the sake of the future of that unborn child, The one who would recite a prayer of Hope just before everyday's final shut eye. This is to all those who had to let go of who they were, because those they most trusted didn't believe in them and/or their dreams and aspirations. This is to that girl who has been abused over time but grew so mute to spit it out. This one is to all of my friends who are always scared, scared of the truth, scared of the good, scared of everything beautiful. To all my brothers and sisters who are unfailingly scared of their abilities, scared of themselves… scared of asking if it is alright to do something perceived as good. This is to all of those kids who become moles because they fear their most brilliant ideas are never good enough, why? "Co's your standard isn't good enough". This is to that voicemail that is never listened to, to the calls that are never taken nor replied. This is to my dropouts and chain dreamers. This is to the delapitated screeming voice that Will never be heared. This is to you. My humble puzzled lives. This is to the leader within.

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