Can I Feel Loved?

Day 3 on the Help Fight Depression campaign.
Our very first piece from a Brave Anonymous speaking from the third side of the coin.

Can I Feel Loved -

Can I Feel Loved?
I have a question to ask 
A burden that has weighed me down 
To the point I'm beginning to drown 
What is this question you say
Well, it is relevant to us in most ways

We often tell young people 
Do not commit suicide
Try and feel the love inside 
But how can they feel loved
When it is not shown

They wake up to the sounds 
of their mums, shouting ' I'm sorry, I'm sorry not your fists again' 
The regular phrase 'beat me if you can I'd like to see you try'
How can you blame them 
When their parents act like they hate them
They transfer agressions
And in the process hurt their emotions 

How can a father say to his child
'You bastard leave my house'
And yet we blame our teenagers 
Not knowing we are the murderers 
We push them to their doom 
And feel regret afterwards 

But the deed has been done 
The lives have been lost 
Now, the least we can do is 
Save the ones we've got.

- Brave Anonymous1

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