Covid19, Who turns 19?

Covid19, who turns 19
In a vehicle yesterday a fellow passenger announced that two Covid19 patients was discovered just a few kilometers from our destination as reported by a local trustee and went on to state that if he found himself testing positive to the virus, he would immediately pack up, get his wife and kids and head to the village. He boldly said 'Corona no dey for village'.
This got me thinking... 'Na the virus no dey reach village abi na the awareness?'
Now let's talk about who turns 19. Ever heard the saying one of nineteen equals part of a whole... Guess not. Invariably doing the math in 20s, if there are (following the rules) 50 people in a hall, and one positive Covid19 patient, at least 10people may be in direct contact with the infected. If it were a place of worship where members have no choice but to act like they really liked each other... Do the math, thats about 10 move yet to be infected by the number from your math... Yes

At this point, maybe we just need to choose the bad news stream since every channel seems tell us of more and only bad news. But how about some good news then, from China where the combat against the virus is reporting with close down of some isolated centers since cases reported has rolled down by a lot. Yet we pray for Italy as we pray for other countries and Nigeria.
What is the real statistics? We hate to trust the government as we have been lied to over time, so all it says and does is propaganda... But even in the propaganda can we listen to what affects us, learn the preventive measures, watch for symptoms and self isolate. Really avoid social gatherings, even if there were just 5people one positive can infect all others and that's 4× whoever they come in contact with before and after they leave that space, staying at home was something we all craved but now that it is for our own good we don't want to.
We heard that chloroquine helped patients tested positive to Covid19, but the NPC (Nigerian Panic Syndrome) has led one too many to the chloroqual virus (yes, I carved that) masses getting hospitalized due to  chloroquine overdose when not tested positive for the Covid19. So, is it wrong to suggest to a government who doesn't listen and to NAFDAC that certain drugs be given by prescription,who knows how that would help for period the panic lasts. Not forgetting the Dettol healing power, I must state very clearly that COVID19 is a type of CORONA VIRUS, Covid19 is not a nickname for Corona. Also Dettol manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser released an official statement and had this to say: The products (Dettol) have been tested against other Corona viruses (such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV) and have been found to kill those. Although 2019-nCoV (Covid19) is a new strain, this virus is very similar to other Corona viruses. We continue to work with our partners to ensure that we have the latest understanding of the virus, route of transmission and will test our product range once health authorities make the strain available. My humble appeal  🙏🏼 use the Dettol to disinfect as per usual, IT ISN'T CONFIRMED TO KILL CORVID19.

The belief of Nigeria being under corrosive anointing and immune to Corona is quite outlandish. Do we realize that we often practice religion with pagan mindsets, because no religion preaches disobedience to the law and as much as we are believers, we should also be responsible responders to the social law and be wise.
On another strain, Imagine Covid19 as a comic character, will Covid19 be a super hero or a super villain?
Cape or no Cape, Mask on or not, White or black, invisibility, diffusion. Have you seen Osmosis Jones the movie? Can Covid19 take on Osmosis Prime... Well for the mask part, nah I doubt it. But I think Covid19 would definitely be a villa. Spreading fear and mayhem, possibly turning the isolated into zombies and they won't eat brains, no they would probably just lick faces and I to some... But really does this Covid19 evolve, I don't know. What do you think?

Some unresolved facts have reached us and Corona virus had been discovered in the early 1960s and some have said it was from Cats and Carmel others have said snakes and bats but really where is it from? Let's just say that piece of information may not be of much use to the common man, but what must the common man know, who turns 19? [Go here to get full info on the Covid19 as compiled by the WHO Global research on Corona virus disease (COVID-19)] 

Symptoms; People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. The most common symptoms of corona virus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing (severe cases) and dry cough. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.
Preventive measures; Wash your hands frequently, Maintain social distancing, Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth people have asked specifically Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick. Practice respiratory hygiene this means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Stay informed and If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.

That said, staying at home is protection for us and others, we may be so careful and one person from our home won't, we all need to be careful and caring. Eat right and stay safe. Now I have questions, how long does this virus survive in water? How ignorant are you when it comes to your health and what you eat? How many door knobs have you touched? How many phones have you touched?
Stay healthy, Stay safe, read a book, watch a movie, because anyone can turn 19 in less than 14days.

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