I wanted to be your muse
One you couldn’t reach
One you couldn’t touch
But would teach from
Draw all your art from
Because I will be your muse

And so, a lot of times we get so driven by the could have
That we soon forget how to keep us alive in the moment
We lose opportunities just so we can learn to grab on the next time around
But we are so full of regret that we successfully hide away our true selves
Even from ourselves

I heard it doesn't take so much to be a good soldier
But allow me to bore you with this truth;
It takes just as much to be a bad soldier!
I will not let me not be myself
Because it is the same craze that drives me when I have to be myself
Senseless right? Go figure

But truth be told on one touchy topic;
We never truly forgive ourselves for letting people down
Especially when it truly wasn't entirely our fault
Some sentimental valuable draws we back to the start every season
And we are forced to face our own compromised reality

Let the could have been be a friend of itself
Let the should have been forsake itself
Let the would have been ruin its own reputation, by itself
All you have to do is;
Sing you to sleep
Wake up like a junkie hungry for just one pill called living life
Trust each moment to lead you to the next which may never be yours
Be thankful for your carelessness
Build a fountain over your forgetfulness
Dine with pride with your demons
Teach life to fall in love with your essence
Take long aimless walks
Shine your ego
And always remember that though you may never get the next moment
Though your peachy existence may be another soul’s bed time story
Though the ones you once loved and lost don't remember you
You do have your entire life to do whatever you want
You are the person you are darn well pleased to be

You could very well be Mercy A. Patrick

Yours truly MerciRick

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