
I left you a note on the bed telling you how sorry I was
For chasing your happiness first
For forgetting what dreams were made of
For loosing myself in your deceitful embrace
For letting me love the lonely part of you
And more sorry for not being sorry at all

I left you a note telling you just how much I loved to hate me
Telling you my truth I buried inside of me
I kept my beauty in the cupboard just Bellow your shoes
Together we washed my sanity in the dishwasher
Now my mind is a clean slate and I can think again

I left you a note reminding you of how you lived inside of me
How you touched my soul and made us whole
How you always taught me to never let go
How you were my mirror and you built my ego
And I remember now, how you told me skills can be unlearned

I left you a note cos am leaving home
Am leaving my demons behind
You told me no love lost then no love found
So am loosing you to find me
I am leaving my reflection in the mirror you built me
I am leaving the sanity we forged in the drain
But I will always love the lonely part of me
Cos that was the only place you never dared to tread
I've got my bags packed
Cos am leaving home.

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Yours truly Mercy A. Patrick

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