Point Blank

We do not always get to the point we aim at
But that is never an excuse to stop aiming
A test in school is an assessment of how much you have learnt
Not a window to jump out of class

Like a class, life has its many turns
Many subjects we don't touch
Not because we are scared
We just do not want a multitude to offend

We try to impress the teachers
By invoking the good red marks
But sometimes the odd red pen
Ends up in our book cells

Our world today is void of unity
Because we never saw love from individuality
From the words of Simisola;
My baby say she hungry
I give am food,
I tell her I will do
Anything for you,
But a stranger say
Please I no get shoe,
I look am like this say
Who are you...
We have forgotten how to love
The way we were taught to
We need to be reminded
We need to go back to the true definition of love

I saw this canvass dated 108
And wished I was born in those days
I just stared at the daring dead paint
And wondered what created this new disguised hate

Now prayer has been mixed with technology
One mix that drains all of me
And I ask, where has sense gone
How did we forget to love...

But the craze we posses
Was mostly created from this 'nonsense'
Back then, the craze made sense
But we lifted the hate above the nonsense

We have forgotten how to love
We need to remind us
There is sense in every nonsense
Let us not pretend

Let us remember the people we were taught to be
Please remind me.

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Yours truly Mercy Patrick.

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