Osú Ogun Orin Dáfidì. (August psalm)

August, August,
The last lap for August
How fast can I run
Still hoping to put in a last dunk
I can't afford to miss this ball.

I'll play hard even if I fall
I'll take chances even if its tough
I'll smile harder even when the
background resound sad songs.

I'll work harder even when its rough
and stand tall even when others curve
Because all I know is I have been made this August.

Mercirick.blogspot.com - Osú Ogun Orin Dáfidì. (August psalm)

...Gegebi oti seleri
Fun Abrahamu Baba wa
Ati iran re  titi lae.

Ember, ember
I sing songs of September
Only for months to remember
My gaze is on December.

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Yours truly Mercy Patrick.

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