Husband For Hire II

The husband that has been hung for hire...
Prior to this, a lot of guys I met
have opted in for hire,
But the crazy part is,
They never gave a price...

Husband For Hire II.
To my ladies,
From where we left off...
You will always want to try,
only for a guy to pass through,
leaving a stain on you
for another to come through
and do the same.

Yes, love is necessary at all points
and works of life,
but when you fall,
you will know the reason
why it is called FALL in love
and not ENTER into love.

In the end, you are starting
from ground zero.
If still at that point
you have not discovered yourself,
you will end up like the man who wrote:
“It is not you, it is me,… I
 think we need some space.”

In order to build a real
and fully healthy cake
and not a space filled sponge
that soaks and releases,…
You must be a lady every guy wants
but in the end
only the worthy one fights for.

Be the girl who knows how much changes
she wants to make in her life tomorrow,
Have enough time for yourself to develop daily,
Be the pride of yourself first.
You are a world,
A beautiful one,
when you sparkle,
the entire world will shade their eyes
only to have a clearer view of the sparkle.

My young ladies, my younger girls,
my sisters, be bold enough to discover yourself.
Husbands and boyfriends are not for sale,
do not impress your friends
and keep count on your heart breaks,
you can not buy one today to hang on your shelve
and trade for another tomorrow
and still prevent the story of:
“My former boyfriend used to…”
You would be lucky
if he understands where you are coming from
and walk away without leaving a souvenir punch,
if not so, you shall alone manage your case.
If only there was a market called
“Husbands and Boyfriends for sale”.
Or maybe, just a part-time thing like
a Husband For Hire.
Then the game would be fair.

Yours truly MerciRick

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