Right now, if you're reading this, I need you to hold onto your heart, because You are sure guilty as charged.
My Very self must feel Very much ashamed of me, but be consoled by the fact that life itself isn't perfect and that gives us a reason to rise every single day
Did you ever say 'I will pray by morning', but forget to because you woke up pretty late and had an early morning engagement?
Or did you this morning remember the fact that you should have prayed last night, but didn't because you felt kinda sleepy?
OK, let's say you did not do a job as promised because you had another job that met your need even more.
The little FALSE promise. Right now I am one way off almost out of the zone the world promised to be in. Three years into the university, and one year left to jet, and I remember the little promises that didn't see the light of it's promised days. If you who read this still hold onto plans of making something better for me, hold also onto the thought that your time is almost up (hahaha, just kidding, maybe not). To those who saw me years away from the university circle, see me now living in tomorrow, and time is a constant reminder of all your promises.
For the Very little divergence of your good heart's intentions, for the hope you have kept all these while in me that is almost fading out in frustration.
For the little 'don't worry, when you get into school, things must have been fine with me by then and I'll surely get you a ... you know what.
For all the 'I have plans for you'
For all the 'I'll call you back(s)'
For all the 'I'll make it up to you(s)'
For all the little things you didn't do, with an open heart, I want to say thank-you.
For all the little things you couldn't do, with a forgiving heart I want to say thank-you.
For all the little things you will never do, with a loving heart I want to say thank-you.
For maybe those little good things could have made me better, but in all truth, there is a 50/50 chance that it could also make me worse than I am today, for every present is the result of an average of yesterday, good or bad... and so with that thought in mind, I thank-you for all the false little promises that really got to me.

We learn from experiencing or witnessing things in life. In all ways the false little promises should not be the forces to hold us back. We learn every day and aught to grow every day.