Rev.Fr. Sebastian Sanni>‎CATHOLIC AMBASSADORS OF THE WORDTODAY'S VERSE: Proverbs 23:17, Let not thine heart envy sinners but in the fear of the Lord all the day longPOCKET WORD: Envy is one demon that most people underestimate today. We should know that the anger inherent in envy is endless. Envy is very deadly because it is hidden. Envy is one shameless emotion that very often we find it difficult to express. The passion of envy is most often hidden. Envy can makepeople to kill. It was envy that made Cain to kill Abel, it was envy that made the brothers of Joseph to sell him into slavery,it was envy that made Herod to kill Innocent children while searching for the new born King, it was envy that made Saulto go after the life of the little boy David. They don't like you because of envy yet they secretly frequent your Facebook posts and page, follow your tweets, followyou on instagram to know the latest aboutyou.Very often envy takes place because of insecurity. Envy strives well in an atmosphere of mental insecurity. When people have low self esteem, they become envious of others because they feel they have nothing to offer. If we don'thave contentment, we can become envious of others. Envy can make us to become blind to what God has given us. Envy makes us to focus more on what we don't have than what we have. Envy can make us to blackmail, hate and even kill people. Envy is one devil that we don't know. God does not want us to be enviousbecause it poisons our relationship with Him and others...

1 comment: said...

Lord give me a heart to Love more>>>>>>>>>>>> just a prayer from 1 heart