QUESTIONS are a thing which is natural and constant next to CHANGE, and WHY is a state which beats all questions next to WHEN. I sometimes find myself doing things, good things (or so they say) because people wanted it, people expected it of me,… Yes, they are not bad, but as such they are not satisfying to me. Sometimes I Please and feed the world with the fathom of youth forgetting about me, quite unfortunate the water forgets it is in a bucket. I find me doing these things, not because I like them, but because I can. Sometimes it is easier when you don't get attached, but It's simply a state called selfishness, Sometimes it is easier when you just Please the world because you can, but it simply is THE JOURNEY OF AN UNSATISFIED SOUL always yearning for a way home. Sometimes I ask, why don't I start loving what I do since my current resources can not let me do what I love? Like I always say, why don't you change your prayer point to fortifying your spiritual firewalls rather than attacking your enemies with the very same strategy they use? If so much of my TIME and WILL can be propagated into doing what I can but I can not be convinced by what I love, then I still need answers to my heart's probing questions 'Why do I do what I do, why do I do this?' And if I keep doing certain things just because my self wants it, then these heart probing questions are magnified in their own worth.


Unknown said...

#AwesomePiece #LovinUaintDifficult

Unknown said...

#AwesomePiece #LovinUaintDifficult