Just like I always want my customer to give me a discount, so some people always expect you to cut them some slack because you know them. Business experts say; grow when your friends and family patronize your work and not when they patronize you. If the only people you know become your friends, and you want to always give your friends a sweet discount, and only your friends patronize your work, how much do you think you'll grow? Same as the real world, where all the people you know become your friends and you always cut your friend some slack and don't tell them total truths, and you lie all in the shade of PROTECTING THEM, and you don't tell them when they're going wrong, you don't tell them their mess-ups because you don't want to hurt their feelings, and you keep living the HOT/COLD life with them, claiming to love them too much to hurt their feelings with just one LITTLE truth,… how then do they grow?. In as much as you want to watch them grow, make them also watch you grow too by letting them see some of the real you. And if you mean Real Business, you will make it real by taking it real.

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