No matter how right it is, it definitely feels wrong and off. Like i have to do something to reassure, to correct...

I tell my heart these words. "The wrongs are obvious to the outside world". The continous reality to me, like a needle on my skin. Even the normal seems and feels extra and paranormal.

Well, the world only exists in my head. Nothing is wrong in the world, but the beat of ma heart is like a rhythm in my mind. What's funny is, I know I did something which doesn't qualify as wrong, but I feel its all wrong.

Well, in a way it's just a thing of the mind, but why do I feel so off. Ok, I try to correct a thing that's never qualified as wrong., I make all efforts to justify what feels wrong, and I have absolutely no clue as to how to be and feel not-wrong.

The crazy thing in this silly head of mine is that it's just a little innocence in this conscience of mine pricking my soul.

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