After 2years together as friends with distance involved, this what P.Mercy and I have come 2 Learn and understand, we wanna share it with you cause You do matter to Us. Not everyone who started with you as friends are still around, even the ones around sometimes it feels like you have just met them. The valve of friendship can't be explained, the weigh cannot be measured, one of the greatest gifts God gave to us is the Gift of People. It is therefore important that we cherish those tiny moments that didn't last forever, Co's they may only come back to you as memories. Friends n dearies won't last forever, n so you must understand how minute their presence could mean sometimes and the magnitude of 'i miss you' their absence could bring. Some are like northern stars, leading you right onto finner things, some stand to be shooting stars, falling for a wish after the great shine. Remember the love they taught you when they hurt you, even in crazy times they shared with you a smile, They held you even when their hands were not there. You believed, you cherished, you trusted. These people placed in your life made 'the' difference, they showed you the craft in beauty. If such beautiful feelings can come from friendship with unique beings, how much more the original copy which they were printed from? 😀. GOD. Cherish the people in your everyday life, the hi's n bye's, the silence n the surprises, you'll be shocked to see one day you look back to today n say ' I didn't think it meant anything '. Appreciate the smiles, enjoy the laughter, accept the trials n understand that not all things must be understood.

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